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Posted by The MediMobile Team on Jul 24, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Revolutionizing Data Management with Data Hub Services on The MediMobile Podcast

The Future of Data Management

In this episode, we explore how MediMobile’s Data Hub Services are reshaping data management and integration for hospitals and practices. Our Data Hub Services can be described in three words: seamless, secure, and scalable.

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Joining the discussion are Lauren and Cameron from our sales team, along with Will, our Vice President of Product Development. Together, they shed light on the numerous benefits of our Data Hub Services.

What Are Data Hub Services?

Will kicks off the discussion by explaining the core of our Data Hub Services. “MediMobile saw a need to get in the middle of the facility and client data relations,” he says. “We provide ADT (admit, discharge, transfer) and MDM (medical document management) services by connecting directly with hospitals and their approval processes.”

Will elaborates, “We work with hospital systems directly, coordinate with them, and through approval processes, provide data to their contracted physicians. This speeds up processes and reduces headaches related to security reviews and legal agreements.”

Streamlining Data for Efficiency

Lauren highlights how these services solve significant problems and increase efficiency. “Navigating the legal and bureaucratic processes of data integration can take anywhere from a month to a year. With our Data Hub, these processes are significantly sped up. In some cases, we can start getting data on the same day the request is made.”

Will adds, “We have relationships with hospitals that allow us to bypass lengthy approval processes because they’ve already vetted us. This makes it simpler for hospitals to provide data to credentialed providers quickly and securely.”

What Data Does MediMobile Handle?

Will provides insight into the types of data managed by our Data Hub Services:

  • ADT: Covers patient demographic information, insurance, and guarantor details.
  • MDM: Includes medical document management, such as history and physical documents.
  • ORU: Order utilization data for labs, X-rays, and similar documentation.
  • DFTs: Detailed financial transactions, which help integrate CPT and diagnosis codes into the hospital’s EMR without double work.

Real-Life Impact and Future Prospects

Our Data Hub Services have been in place for over 15 years, evolving with the needs of healthcare providers and hospital systems. Will reflects, “We started by helping a client who struggled with their in-house product, and since then, our services have grown to meet the increasing demands of the healthcare industry.”

Looking ahead, Will envisions a future where MediMobile continues to simplify data management. “Everything is data-centric now. As we grow our relationships with health systems, we aim to make the process of getting data quicker and easier for both hospitals and practices.”

Security and Cost Efficiency

Security is a top priority at MediMobile. Will assures listeners, “We meet all security requirements and conduct annual reviews to ensure the highest level of data protection. Our SOC 2 and other security measures demonstrate our commitment to safeguarding patient information.”

As for cost, our goal is to minimize the burden on users. Will explains, “We aim to provide data quickly and seamlessly without imposing significant costs. Our services are designed to ease the burden on everyone involved.”

MediMobile’s Data Hub Services are revolutionizing the way hospitals and practices manage and integrate data. By providing seamless, secure, and scalable solutions, we are helping healthcare providers save time and resources, ultimately improving patient care.

Stay tuned for more insights and innovations from MediMobile in our upcoming podcast episodes. If you haven’t already, catch up on our previous episodes to learn more about how we’re leveraging AI to transform medical coding and charge review processes.

To see our AI-Automated Medical Coding, join us for a demo! Pick a time on our calendar below:


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