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Posted by The MediMobile Team on Aug 29, 2024 11:32:56 AM

MediMobile: By the Numbers!

Numbers tell a powerful story. At MediMobile, our success is not just measured by the satisfaction of our clients but also by the tangible impact we have on their operations, revenue, and efficiency. Here’s a look at the numbers that define our journey and showcase why MediMobile is a trusted partner in the healthcare industry.

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30% of Hospitalists Trust MediMobile

MediMobile is the go-to solution for more than 30% of hospitalists across the United States. These healthcare professionals rely on our platform to streamline operations, enhance billing accuracy, and ultimately capture more revenue. This significant adoption rate underscores our effectiveness in addressing the unique challenges faced by hospitalists.

25% of US Health Systems and Physician Groups Choose MediMobile

MediMobile’s reach extends to over 25% of health systems and physician management groups in the U.S. This widespread adoption reflects our ability to integrate seamlessly into diverse healthcare settings, optimizing revenue cycles and improving financial performance across the board.

Take a look at our strategic partnerships here: https://www.medimobile.com/strategic-partnerships

$30,000 - $50,000 in Annual Revenue Increase per Physician

Physicians using MediMobile see a substantial financial benefit, with annual revenue increases ranging from $30,000 to $50,000. This boost is a direct result of our advanced coding solutions, which ensure that no charge is missed and every service provided is accurately billed.

10-15x Average ROI

Investing in MediMobile yields exceptional returns. On average, healthcare providers experience a 10 to 15 times return on investment, making our solutions not just a smart choice but a financially transformative one. Our focus on optimizing charge capture, reducing claim denials, and enhancing workflow efficiency drives this impressive ROI.

For a deeper dive into seeing your ROI with MediMobile, check out our podcast episode on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHDh1C5zFps&t=544s

1-3 Months Payback Period

One of the most compelling reasons to choose MediMobile is the speed at which our clients see a return on their investment. With a typical payback period of just 1 to 3 months, healthcare providers quickly realize the financial benefits of our solutions, allowing them to reinvest in patient care and operational improvements.

MediMobile ROI Details

10-20 Hours Saved Per Week

Time is a precious resource in healthcare, and MediMobile helps clinicians reclaim it. By automating time-consuming tasks and simplifying workflows, our platform saves healthcare professionals 10 to 20 hours per week. This time can be redirected to patient care, research, or simply achieving a better work-life balance.

2-3 Weeks Integration Time

MediMobile’s platform is not only powerful but also incredibly user-friendly. Integration can be completed in as little as 2 to 3 weeks, allowing healthcare providers to start reaping the benefits almost immediately. Our streamlined onboarding process ensures minimal disruption to daily operations, enabling a smooth transition to our advanced solutions.

8 Years of Client Loyalty

On average, our customers stay with us for 8 years, a testament to the long-term value and reliability of MediMobile. This enduring loyalty speaks volumes about the trust our clients place in us and the consistent results we deliver. We are committed to fostering these relationships by continually innovating and adapting to the evolving needs of the healthcare industry.

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97% Client Satisfaction Rate

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our 97% client satisfaction rate. We work closely with our clients to ensure they achieve their goals, providing unparalleled support and expertise at every step of the way. Whether it’s through our dedicated support team, on-demand training, or tailored solutions, we are always there to help our clients succeed.

Over 20 Years of Experience

With more than two decades of experience, MediMobile has established itself as a leader in the charge capture industry. Our deep understanding of healthcare operations, combined with our innovative technology, enables us to deliver solutions that meet the ever-changing demands of the industry.

Conclusion: The Numbers Don’t Lie

At MediMobile, the numbers tell the story of our success. From significant revenue increases to exceptional ROI, from saving time to ensuring long-term client satisfaction, our impact is clear. We are proud to partner with healthcare providers across the country, helping them achieve their goals through our advanced, data-driven solutions.

Experience the MediMobile difference and see what these numbers can mean for your healthcare organization by scheduling a demo on our calendar below.


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