The MediMobile Blog

09 08, 2023

Eliminating Front End Revenue Leakage: A Game Changer for Physicians

4 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
August 09, 2023
Eliminating Front End Revenue Leakage: A Game-Changer for Physicians Physician Revenue Retainment In healthcare, where every patient visit and procedure plays a crucial role in a physician's revenue stream, the importance of efficient charge capture [...]
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04 08, 2023

Revolutionizing Medical Charge Capture and Billing in 2023

3 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
August 04, 2023
Revolutionizing Medical Charge Capture and Billing in 2023: The MediMobile Difference In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare technology, MediMobile has been leading the charge for over 20 years, reshaping the way medical charge capture and [...]
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16 07, 2019

Top 5 Benefits of Mobile Charge Capture

2 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
July 16, 2019
MediMobile launched the Mobile Charge Capture application in 2003 and hasn’t slowed down. Since its inception we have upgraded services and added more tools for an unmatched user experience.
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25 06, 2019

Mobile Charge Capture Is Vital To Your Organization

2 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
June 25, 2019
Our Charge Capture technology places physicians in the driver's seat of maximizing practice revenue at the point-of-care in real time. We are able to customize the software to accommodate all types of doctors in different specialties to generate the [...]
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17 07, 2018

MediMobile Expands Executive Team

1 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
July 17, 2018
As the leading technology provider of handheld data and charge capture solutions for over 10,000 physicians, MediMobile is excited to expand our executive team to meet the growing needs and goals of our clients. We are excited to welcome aboard [...]
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09 02, 2018

A Look Under the Hood: Much More Than Mobile Charge Capture

2 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
February 09, 2018
In the healthcare industry, it's pretty easy to get pigeon-holed into a certain category. You either do this or you do that. For MediMobile, we often get connected to the mobile charge capture space specifically. Don't get us wrong, we have no [...]
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