The MediMobile Blog

04 08, 2023

Revolutionizing Medical Charge Capture and Billing in 2023

3 minute read
by The MediMobile Team |
August 04, 2023
Revolutionizing Medical Charge Capture and Billing in 2023: The MediMobile Difference In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare technology, MediMobile has been leading the charge for over 20 years, reshaping the way medical charge capture and [...]
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24 04, 2020

New Feature Alert: DRGs & GMLOS

6 minute read
by MediMobile |
April 24, 2020
New Feature Alert: DRGs & GMLOS MediMobile just released the first round of MANY new features to be unveiled in 2020 that are all focused on delivering actionable data. First up: DRGs & GMLOS. CMS' Geometric Mean Length of Stay (GMLOS) now displays [...]
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22 04, 2020

MediMobile CARES

1 minute read
by MediMobile |
April 22, 2020
MediMobile and The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act MediMobile's sole purpose is to ensure that our healthcare providers are able to easily record, reconcile, and receive reimbursements for their efforts. It is critical to capture [...]
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07 04, 2020

COVID-19 Updates, Telemed & Disaster Privileging. We are here to Help!

2 minute read
by MediMobile |
April 07, 2020
MediMobile focuses on effective use of technology. Resources are limited. Your time is invaluable. Keep your team focused on what really matters-- your patients and your safety. Allow our Team to automate your revenue reconciliation process. This is [...]
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20 03, 2020

Do you know what you're missing? We do.

2 minute read
by MediMobile |
March 20, 2020
Allow MediMobile to help. Our solution alerts healthcare providers when they have unsigned charts, incomplete records, missing charges, and much more. Everyone's time is valuable. Stop worrying about what you are missing. Let us give you a little [...]
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18 03, 2020

Our Promise to YOU...

2 minute read
by MediMobile |
March 18, 2020
At MediMobile, we understand that your role as a healthcare provider is likely more challenging than ever battling containment of COVID-19. As a company, we are committed to:
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